Choosing a Concrete Polishing Contractor

Concrete Polishing Contractor Waco TX specializes in the maintenance and restoration of commercial concrete floors. This process uses heavy-duty machines to grind down and smooth concrete surfaces to a desired level of sheen.

Concrete Polishing Contractor

This is accomplished using grinding steps with progressively finer grit industrial diamonds. The process is followed by an internal impregnating sealer, which helps harden and dustproof the surface.

Concrete polishing is a great way to restore concrete surfaces and protect them from damage. It increases the hardness of the surface, which improves resistance to abrasion and weathering. It also makes the floor easier to clean and can help reduce the need for chemical cleaners. The process of concrete polishing involves grinding and honing the surface with heavy-duty machines. The result is a beautiful, glossy floor that can be easily maintained with regular sweeping and mopping.

A good concrete polishing contractor will have the equipment to do a complete job, and they should be able to communicate with their customers clearly. This is especially important in a large project where the scope of work needs to be carefully defined. A well-defined scope of work will prevent miscommunications and ensure that all parties are aware of what is expected from each other.

The concrete polishing process is a complex one, and it requires the use of special machines that produce a smooth finish. It is also an environmentally friendly process, as no harmful chemicals are used. It also eliminates the need for carpets and tiles, which can be expensive to replace or maintain.

Before starting the job, a concrete polishing contractor should evaluate the site and determine what kind of machinery will be required to do the work. They should also check the availability of water for cleaning and disposal of slurry, as well as electrical outlets for powering machinery. They should also make sure that the area is clear of objects and structures that could get damaged during the process.

Once the scope of work has been determined, the concrete polishing company will issue a quote to the customer. This document should include the price of the supplies, labor hours, and a margin to cover maintenance costs. The more detailed the scope of work, the fewer issues will arise during the project’s duration.

Concrete polishing is an excellent option for a number of applications, including retail stores and office buildings. Its high light reflectivity enhances a building’s aesthetic and promotes productivity. It is also more durable than other flooring materials and can be installed quickly. It is also easier to clean and resists stains and spills, making it ideal for commercial facilities.


Choosing the right concrete polishing contractor can help you save time and money and get the results you want. A reputable company should be able to provide references from previous clients and have experience working on a variety of projects, including hospitals, schools, government offices, and commercial needs. They should also be able to work with a variety of construction schedules to avoid any delays or interruptions.

A good contractor should be able to give you an accurate quote for the job in less than a day. They should also be able to answer any questions you might have about the project. They should be able to provide you with samples of the finishes they can achieve, as well as provide photos of other projects they have worked on.

Many grinding equipment retailers offer 2- to 3-day in-house courses to teach people how to use their products. These courses only scratch the surface of the complexities involved in concrete polishing, however. It takes years of on-the-job experiences to become a qualified polished concrete tradesman.

When you choose a contractor, ask about their work history and how long they’ve been in business. It’s also a good idea to verify their certification status with the American Concrete Surface Conditioning Association (ASCC). This will give you peace of mind that they are experienced and qualified to do the job.

You should also consider whether the company has the proper tools for the job at hand. For example, they should have access to water for auto-scrubbers and an electrical outlet to run electric-powered grinders. They should also have a safe and accessible place for slurry disposal. Finally, they should be able to arrange for transportation to the site and set up an electric generator, if necessary.

A quality concrete polishing contractor can create beautiful, durable floors that enhance the look of a facility. They can also add color to the floor by staining it with a wide range of colors, from neutral earth tones to deep jewel tones. Staining the concrete can also highlight patterns or shapes in the floor. This can make the floors more attractive and improve employee morale. In addition, stained floors are easy to clean and do not require the use of chemical cleaners, which can help reduce health and safety issues in the workplace.


Concrete polishing contractors have a responsibility to protect the safety of people in their workplaces. This includes ensuring that their employees wear protective clothing and take other precautions to minimize health risks. For example, they should use a respirator to reduce exposure to concrete dust. This is important because inhaling this dust can cause silicosis, a disease that causes symptoms similar to those of lung cancer. The contractor should also ensure that the workplace is free of obstructions and hazards before starting work.

Concrete cutting, surface grinding, and concrete floor polishing produce crystalline silica dust, which is dangerous to workers. Inhaling this dust can lead to a variety of respiratory diseases, including silicosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Those who work in these fields should wear a mask or respirator to prevent exposure to the dangerous particles. Moreover, they should wear a face shield to keep the dust away from their eyes.

In addition to the above safety measures, concrete polishing contractors should also follow all local and federal laws regarding waste disposal. They should use an approved waste container and dispose of it in a secure location. They should also ensure that they store all materials in accordance with their manufacturers’ printed instructions. In addition, they should keep a written document of the entire project, including responsibilities, and have all employees sign it at the end of the day.

A detailed scope of work will help the customer understand the work that will be performed. This will minimize the likelihood of misunderstandings and disagreements between the customer and the contractor. It will also ensure that the job is completed in a timely manner.

Dirty, dusty floors are a major contributor to slips and falls in commercial facilities. They can also affect employee morale. Polished concrete can make your facility look clean and improve its aesthetics while reducing the strain on maintenance staff. It is a cost-effective alternative to other floor treatments. It is also easy to clean and resists stains. If you want to add extra traction, you can apply a sealer that contains anti-slip grit additives.


Concrete floor polishing is a process that uses heavy-duty machines to grind and smooth the surface of existing concrete. It can make the concrete look like new, and it also provides a hard, durable finish that will resist scratches and stains. It is cheaper than installing other flooring materials, such as carpet, and it requires less maintenance over the long term. However, it is important to find a reputable company that will not charge too much for their services.

The cost of a concrete polishing contractor will depend on the level of shine that you want for your floors. Generally speaking, each additional level of shine tacks on an extra $0.35 to $0.75 per square foot. In addition, the costs of materials and equipment are factored in. Typically, concrete polishing companies will calculate these numbers for the customer before they issue a quote.

In some cases, the existing concrete may need to be repaired before the polishing process begins. This is particularly true in older warehouses that may have extensive damage from years of heavy traffic and use. Usually, the repair process will require an overlay that will be poured over the existing concrete before it can be polished. The overlay will add an additional $2 to $4 per square foot in addition to the costs of labor and equipment.

When a new concrete slab is being built, it should be designed to a very high standard in order to facilitate the polishing process. This will ensure that the finished product will be as durable and long-lasting as possible. In addition, the concrete must be poured to full depth and properly cured before it is polished.

Once the concrete is ready for polishing, the company will bring in a team of professionals to remove all the imperfections and dirt that may be present on the surface. In most cases, this will take several stages and will include the application of chemical densifiers that will strengthen the concrete.

The concrete polishing process can be messy and dusty, so it is crucial to have everything cleared out before the crew arrives. It is also a good idea to choose a non-busy time of year when the contractors can work more efficiently and save you money.

Drain Cleaning – How to Get Rid of Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are more than just a nuisance. They can cause foul odors in the home and lead to serious plumbing problems.

Regular drain cleaning can prevent these problems. Read on to learn about the best drain cleaners that are safe for your pipes. These natural alternatives to caustic chemical cleaners are simple and effective. Contact Drain Cleaning Perth now!

Baking soda and vinegar are not just for your science fair volcano project – they also make a great drain cleaner. The combination is inexpensive and does not contain the harmful sodium hydroxide (also known as lye) found in many store-bought clog removers. Plus, you probably already have these two common kitchen items in your home!

Whenever you have a small drain problem, like a smelly sink or an occasional clog, this is your go-to solution. Mixing baking soda with a little bit of vinegar will often be enough to clean out your drain and stop the stink. This trick is especially helpful for garbage disposals, as the high acid content in vinegar will break down a lot of soap scum and food debris.

The fizzing action of the reaction can also help to loosen up a minor clog. However, this is not a strong enough solution to tackle serious clogs or hard-to-reach grease and grime buildup. If your clog is caused by a broken pipe or something more severe, it is best to call in the professionals.

Whenever you need to clean out your drains, pour one cup of baking soda down the drain and immediately follow with two cups of white distilled vinegar. The acid in the vinegar will neutralize the alkaline in the baking soda, causing an audible reaction that can dislodge some of the stuck-on gunk. Once the fizzing has stopped, wait five minutes and then flush the drain with boiling water. This will help prevent any lingering residue from causing future problems. You can also repeat this process once a week to keep your drains and garbage disposals fresh and odor-free. For an extra dose of cleanliness, you can sprinkle a handful of baking soda around the drain and scrub it with an old toothbrush to remove any visible gunk. For best results, use this method in conjunction with regular hot water flushing to prevent clogs from developing in the first place.

You might not think of dish soap as a cleaning product but it’s actually very versatile. Whether you’re battling an oily stain on clothes, eliminating pesky fruit flies in your kitchen or trying to unclog a drain pipe, dish soap is an effective and safe option.

A few squirts of mild dish detergent mixed in with lukewarm water is an excellent solution for a sink or bathtub clog. This technique is especially helpful if the clog is caused by hair or grease as opposed to solid objects that may be stuck inside of your pipes. Just be sure to use a very small amount of detergent and never put more than one cup of water down the drain.

The Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab confirms that the high-foaming mixture of surfactants found in most dishes soaps is capable of dissolving grease and cutting through food residue without damaging different types of materials or surfaces. It also removes food stains from dishes and utensils, effectively eliminating stubborn oily messes.

Dish soap is also an excellent general household cleaner. It can be used to wipe down surfaces, including countertops, baseboards, windowsills and more, leaving them clean and fresh. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific material or surface.

Adding just a tablespoon of liquid detergent to hot water can help loosen and dissolve solids in your toilet. This method is particularly useful for clogged bathroom drains and toilet bowls that are blocked by hair and grime. However, this method would not be very effective in a 4 or 5 inch main sewer line since it does not work well with large quantities of debris.

Grease clogs are among the most common reasons for a backed-up kitchen or bathroom drain. Liquid dish soap, such as Dawn, can be very helpful for breaking up fats, oils and grease (FOG) that have accumulated in your drain pipes. To get started:

  1. Make sure your drain is completely clear of all visible obstructions.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of liquid dish soap with two liters of boiling water.
  3. Pour the mixture down your drain and allow it to sit for a few minutes before flushing with another pot of boiling water.

When it comes to home drain cleaners, there are a few key ingredients that you can use to get the job done without all of the harsh chemicals and warning labels found in store-bought cleaners. One of the best is a simple mixture of baking soda and salt. This mixture can be used to break down soap scum, grease, and other materials that may be clogging your drain.

To make this homemade drain cleaner:

  1. Mix together half a cup of salt and a cup of baking soda.
  2. Combine these ingredients in a sealable jar and shake to thoroughly combine them.
  3. Pour half of this mixture down your drain and follow it with a pot of boiling water.
  4. Allow this mixture to work for about an hour before rinsing it away with hot water.

Vinegar is another great option for drain cleaning because it contains acidity that can break down and dissolve substances clinging to the walls of your pipes. Like baking soda, vinegar can also be somewhat abrasive and can help scrub away some of the grime that has collected in your drain.

Another natural alternative to commercial drain cleaners is lemon juice. The acidity in this solution can break down and loosen soap scum and other substances that are causing your clogged drain. Adding a bit of baking soda to the mix can help to create a fizzing action that is helpful for breaking down stubborn clogs.

If you don’t have any baking soda on hand, another effective alternative is to use a mixture of borax and white vinegar. This DIY solution is ideal for clogs that are caused by oily or fatty materials because borax’s 9.5 pH level can help to break down these substances. To use this homemade drain cleaner:

  1. Start by mixing together a quarter cup of table salt and a quarter cup of borax powder.
  2. Add a cup of white vinegar to this mixture and pour it down your drain.
  3. Follow this with a pot of boiling water and allow it to sit for about an hour.

Although pouring boiling water down the drain can sometimes unclog a sink or tub, it’s not an ideal home remedy for severe clogs. For one, if the clog is caused by an object that is solid, such as a toy or piece of jewelry, boiling water can actually push it further down the pipe.

The high temperature of boiling water may also damage the pipes, particularly if they’re made from PVC. If you try to flush a PVC clog with boiling water, it can soften or even melt the joints. For these reasons, it’s best to only use this method for minor clogs that aren’t caused by solid objects.

Boiling water can help dislodge grease and soap scum that is causing a blockage. To try this, boil a pot of water on the stove and slowly pour it down the drain. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, as the hot water will be very steamy. You may have to repeat this several times to fully clear the clog.

Another way to use boiling water is to combine it with baking soda and vinegar:

  1. Pour a cup of baking soda into the drain.
  2. Pour a cup of boiling water down the drain. This will cause a fizzing reaction, which can help to break up and dissolve clogs.
  3. Pour a cup of boiling water down each drain to flush the system.

While a plunger isn’t as effective as baking soda and vinegar for clearing most drains, it can be a useful tool to have on hand for cleaning a clogged sink or tub. A plunger is also useful for dislodging hair and other solid debris that can clog drains.

To prevent clogs, regularly flush your drains with a combination of boiling water and liquid grease-fighting dish soap. This can help keep greasy buildup from blocking your drains and disposal. Also, be sure to clean your drains with baking soda and vinegar on a regular basis. The best time to do this is after each use of your sink or tub. Also, consider using a strainer basket to catch food particles and other items that can block your drain.

Handyman Versus Contractor

Handyman Lexington KY often have a wide skill set and can perform general projects at a low to moderate risk level. Contractors have more stringent licensing requirements and can complete bigger construction jobs.

You don’t need a licensed plumber to fix a leaking faucet, but you do want a professional to handle more serious plumbing issues. Handymen typically learn their trade through on-the-job training, apprenticeships and vocational schools.

When one or more of your floor or wall tiles become cracked, chipped, or damaged, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible. This will help prevent moisture from seeping in through the gap, which can lead to mold and mildew and even structural damage to your home’s flooring subfloor. In addition, broken tile can also be a tripping hazard for children or pets and may make your home look less attractive overall.

The good news is that repairing your tile is fairly simple and can be done in a few hours, especially if you have a spare replacement tile on hand. The first step is to vacuum the area and remove any loose dirt, debris, or dust from around the tile. Then, thoroughly clean the entire tile surface using a mild cleaning solution or a mix of water and soap, being sure to focus on the crack or chips in the tile. After the tile is clean, you can apply a thin coat of tile adhesive to the back of the new replacement tile and press it into place. Be careful not to over-apply the adhesive, as it is easy to oversaturate and pull the tile off.

For larger cracks or chips in your tile, you’ll need to use a putty knife or hammer and chisel to break up the old grout and loosen the broken piece. You can then use a wire brush or power drill to remove any remaining pieces of tile, and then you’ll need to prep the surface for painting. This process includes applying an epoxy fill to the damaged area, sanding the area down, and then priming and painting the repair with a color-matched paint.

Once the paint is dry, it’s a good idea to seal the repaired area. This will keep moisture from abrading the repaired tile and can also help protect it against future damage.

Replacing your tile requires significant patience and the right tools to accomplish the task in a professional manner. For this reason, it’s often best to hire a handyman with the skills and experience necessary for such a job.

Furniture assembly is a key skill for homeowners looking to customize their living spaces. However, it can be a daunting task for novices. It’s important to understand the risks involved in DIY projects, acquire the necessary tools, and master the art of deciphering instructions to minimize complications and ensure success. By identifying common challenges, understanding when to seek professional help, and incorporating furniture assembly into your home maintenance routine, you can transform your living space with ease.

Assembling furniture is a complex process, requiring the use of specialized tools and knowledge of how to properly fit pieces together. For this reason, many people hire professionals to handle the work. Handy connects consumers with experienced, professional furniture assemblers in their local area. These professionals arrive at the consumer’s location with all of the tools necessary to complete the job. They also provide a clean-up service, removing and disposing of all boxes, extra pieces, and product packaging.

When assembling furniture, it’s essential to have a clear workspace and a partner to help with the project. It’s also a good idea to check the safety instructions for the specific piece of furniture you’re working on. If the piece is heavy or involves the use of power tools, it’s always best to have an extra pair of hands on hand. Additionally, working with tools and certain furniture items poses safety risks, so it’s important to wear protective gear and follow the appropriate safety precautions.

Before starting the assembly, it’s helpful to open the furniture box and separate its contents into groups by visual similarity. This will make it easier to find small parts, such as screws, nuts, and caps. It’s a good idea to organize these small parts in sandwich bags or cups so they don’t get lost during the assembly process. Once you’ve grouped the items, it’s time to start the assembly.

Many furniture assemblers charge per item, while others assess the piece and determine how long it will take to assemble before charging. They may also offer a flat-rate price for entire jobs, which includes all fees and taxes.

Flooring is one of the most important elements in your home. It provides a foundation for your furniture and gives your room a sense of style and elegance. But floors aren’t indestructible and they can become damaged. If your floor is squeaky, crumbling or cracked, you’ll need to repair or replace it. You can do some of this work yourself, but you may need to call in a professional for more complicated repairs.

Most hardwood and some laminate floor problems are easily repaired. If you have extra planks of the same type, a DIYer can install a replacement without having to remove the entire floor. But if you don’t have spares, you’ll need to know how to do a plunge cut to remove the tongue from the ends and edges of the damaged board. This advanced technique requires a circular saw, so you should only do it if you’re comfortable with using a power tool.

If you’re dealing with water damage to your floors, you can minimize the repair bill if you act quickly. Clean water, such as that from a leaking sink or toilet, is safe to walk on but can be dangerous if it sits for more than 24 hours. Gray water, which comes from a washing machine or dishwasher, contains bacteria and can damage your floors.

Squeaky wood floors can be fixed by sanding and staining the squeak. But if the squeaking comes from the gaps between floorboards and the joists beneath them, you’ll need to install shingles or wood shims to reduce movement.

If you have a squeak that’s coming from a single floorboard, it’s possible to fix it with wood putty or epoxy. Make sure you use a plastic putty knife instead of metal to avoid doing further damage to your floor. Once the wood filler is dry, sand it down and tint it with a stain marker to match your flooring color. You can also try rubbing wood filler over the scratches on your floorboards. But don’t use a wax stain marker, which can damage the finish and leave a residue.

Painting is a two-dimensional visual language that can express ideas and emotions, interpret a narrative theme or create wholly abstract relationships. It is a complex process that involves using shapes, lines, colours and tones in varying combinations. Handymen often have some level of expertise in this area and may be able to paint walls, fences and furniture. Handymen will not, however, be able to complete more extensive or specialised work such as roofing or drainage that requires highly specialised equipment and skills.

While painting may seem like a simple task, it can be difficult to get it right. Handymen have a range of tools and experience that allows them to take on this type of job and deliver the best results. They can also help you choose the best colour for your home and ensure that all surfaces are properly prepared before applying the new coat of paint.

Decks and other outdoor areas can take a beating from the elements and regular use. A handyman can repair and maintain these areas so that they look good as new again, and can even stain or paint them to match the rest of your property.

This is one of the most popular requests that handymen receive. Handymen are often able to do this job quickly and effectively, which can add a lot of value to your home. They can also make sure that all surfaces are properly prepared before the painting takes place, which will result in a much better finish.

A handyman can be called in to do a variety of tasks, from repairing light switches and outlets to replacing broken window frames. They can also install or replace shelves and hanging items on the wall. This is a great way to refresh your home and give it a new look without spending a lot of money.

As a handyman, you will need to have good people skills and a well-rounded knowledge of how to fix things around the house. This includes electrical and plumbing work and a range of other jobs such as paving repairs, painting and furniture assembly. You will usually need to be available to work on weekdays and stick to standard hours, but many handymen are willing to offer emergency services.

Safe And Humane Raccoon Removal

Raccoons cause significant damage and pose serious safety concerns when they invade homes and businesses. Raccoons can also carry bacteria and diseases like rabies.

They dig through trash, overturn gardens, and generally create general mayhem. Here’s how to get rid of them safely and humanely. A licensed Raccoon Removal Texas pest control professional will inspect your property and install exclusion barriers.

raccoon removal

Preventative Measures

Raccoons can be quite a nuisance. They’ll rummage through your garbage, raid your garden, knock over birdhouses, and destroy lawn furniture. Not only that, but they can also pose a health risk. Raccoons can be carriers of rabies and raccoon roundworms, which are both harmful to humans.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent the invasion of raccoons into your property. First, you’ll need to eliminate potential food sources. This means storing trash cans and compost bins inside a shed or garage. If you have a vegetable garden, consider fencing it in. You can also use repellent sprays that will keep raccoons away from your yard.

Another important preventative measure is to keep pets and children from interacting with raccoons. They can carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella and leptospirosis. It’s also important to remove places where raccoons can nest. Females looking for a place to raise their young will rip off facia boarding, vents, and more in search of a secure spot. Lastly, it’s important to be aware that raccoon feces can cause roundworm infections in humans and pets.

Since raccoons are excellent climbers, it’s important to eliminate any possible entry points. This includes trimming the branches of trees, bushes, and shrubs around your home to reduce the number of “bridges” that can be used by raccoons. It’s also a good idea to install a chimney cap and roof vent covers. These can help prevent raccoons from entering your house and damaging the roof.

A professional wildlife control service can help you prevent raccoons from getting into your home or damaging your property. These companies have the equipment and knowledge to safely and humanely get rid of raccoons without harming them. Additionally, they are familiar with the laws and regulations governing animal removal, preventing legal complications.

In addition to raccoon removal, a reputable company will also provide preventative services that will deter them from coming back. This will include a thorough inspection of your home to identify potential entrances and entry points. They will then take the necessary measures to seal those entry points, ensuring that raccoons can’t enter your home in the future.


Raccoons are very dexterous and intelligent animals that use their hands to open containers, steal food from pet dishes, and break into houses. This is why they are considered nuisance wildlife in many areas. They can cause serious property damage and spread diseases to humans and pets. Raccoons are known carriers of rabies, roundworm, salmonella, leptospirosis, and distemper, among other pathogens. This makes it important to take steps to prevent their presence in urban and suburban areas.

One of the best ways to get rid of raccoons is to trap them. However, trapping can be risky if you aren’t experienced. In addition, some states require a permit to catch wild animals like raccoons. In this article, we will discuss some tips and tricks for a safe and humane trapping experience.

To begin, choose the right type of trap. There are several options available, including a “pinch” trap that uses a small spring to pinch the animal’s paw when it is sprung. This type of trap is not recommended for outdoor use, as it may injure or kill the animal without releasing it from the trap. A more humane option is a body grip trap, which consists of two large springs that snap down on the animal when sprung. This trap is often used by fur trappers, but can also be effective for wildlife trapping.

Once you have chosen a trap, bait it with high-protein foods that raccoons love. Crisp bacon, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken parts and entrails, corn, and sardines are all good choices. Then, place the trap in an area where raccoons are causing trouble. Common trapping locations include wooded areas, attics and crawl spaces, and near broken chimneys. Make sure to check the trap regularly. Raccoons are nocturnal, and if you don’t check the trap until morning, the animal might die of starvation or stress.

Once you’ve caught a raccoon, be careful handling it. If you handle the animal too roughly, it could bite or scratch you. Additionally, if the animal has rabies, you should not release it back on your property. Instead, you should relocate it at least ten miles away from your house.


Raccoons are an important part of nature, but they also create problems when they overcrowd residential and commercial properties. Their droppings contaminate insulation and woodwork, leaving unpleasant odors. They also carry pathogens like salmonella, E coli, leptospirosis, and canine distemper that spread to people or pets through feces or bites.

Attempting to handle the situation on your own can cause health and safety issues for you, your family, and your pets. You should also consider hiring a professional service that follows state and local regulations to avoid any legal complications. These professionals have the knowledge and skills to humanely remove wildlife without causing additional harm or stress.

A reputable wildlife removal company starts by conducting a thorough inspection. This helps them identify potential entry points and determine where the raccoons are hiding, such as their den location or if they have babies. They can then set live traps to capture them and humanely relocate them to a natural area.

The next step is to close off entry points to prevent raccoons from returning. Depending on your home construction, this may include repairing gaps and sealing vents. It may also involve cleaning up gardens and securing garbage cans. You can also try using scent-based deterrents, such as predator urine or ammonia-soaked rags.

If you discover animal droppings in your yard, it is a good idea to contact a raccoon control specialist right away. The experts can find the source of the problem and prevent raccoons from entering your house and damaging your property.

Raccoons often enter homes through pet doors in search of food. To prevent this, you can use a magnetic pet door that only responds to the collar of your dog or cat. You can also put a board with nails sticking up on the front of your porch or stable chicken wire over it to stop raccoons from accessing your home.

Another way to prevent raccoons from coming into your house is to block their entry points with caulking. This will keep them from climbing through the gaps. It is a quick and effective solution that will help you save money in the long run.


Raccoons are more than capable of causing hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars in damage to your home and yard. The best way to deal with this issue is by preventing it from happening in the first place, or by catching and relocating them before they cause any significant problems. This can be done by using a combination of techniques, including repellents, traps, and exclusion. Wildlife technicians know which methods to use and how to use them to reduce the risk of property damage, saving homeowners time and money in the process.

A comprehensive raccoon control program should start with a thorough inspection of the property. A professional technician will check for entry points, such as open chimney spaces and under-deck spaces. They will also look for the raccoon’s den and any babies that may be present to make an informed plan for removal and preventive measures. This is an essential step in the process, as it allows the wildlife technician to create a tailored solution that will reduce or eliminate your raccoon problem once and for all.

To discourage raccoons from accessing your property, you can reduce the “bridges” they are using to get onto your roof. This can be done by reducing the height of overhanging trees or by removing brush and vines that are climbing up the side of your house or garage. You can also remove food sources that are attracting them by locking trash cans, keeping pet food and compost bins tightly closed, and cleaning up fallen fruits and bird feed on your property. Encourage neighbors to follow these steps as well, as a community approach will help to deter wildlife from the entire area.

If you are dealing with a raccoon infestation inside your home, a wildlife technician will use live traps to capture and safely relocate the animals. In some cases, a one-way door may be used to ensure the safety of any babies. If a baby is trapped, the wildlife technician will manually remove the baby and place it in an insulated box. They will then be relocated to a new den.